Everyday Puzzles Unlimited crossword ID 7721 answers
Our Everyday Puzzles Crossword answers guide for Unlimited, is here to help you finish today’s Crossword if you’re stuck on a tricky clue. This daily puzzle challenges solvers with its clever wordplay and tests their knowledge and vocabulary, making it one of the most popular crosswords around. Access to hundreds of puzzles, right on your Android device, so play or review your crosswords when you want, wherever you want!
Unlimited crossword ID 7721
Common diagnosis in restless children:
Abbreviation for a tablespoon in a recipe:
These bulbs from Philips can change color:
Internet abbreviation for take your time:
Acronym for Food and Drug Administration:
Deer leather, inspired US dollar slang:
The most serious, most terrible:
Level in a hierarchy of a company or system:
Encounter, come face to face with:
Swaziland's three-letter country code:
Last name of German figure skater Katarina:
Leaves one's car on without driving it:
In football, an easy way to say running back:
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks initialism:
To make feel unwelcome; to shun:
Young hawk, usually an unfledged nestling:
The Terminator's artificial intelligence source:
Leg extenders worn by circus performers:
What is sprayed on surfaces to create graffiti:
Change from a frozen solid mass into a liquid:
One does this with their toe to test the water:
French Disney princess who falls for a beast:
Eddie Murphy can talk to the animals in this movie:
First name of Queen guitarist and songwriter May:
Bid goodbye to someone, in Spanish:
Pony __, vibrant trophy ribbons:
Part of a dress between the shoulders and skirt:
Singing without musical accompaniment:
The heart is the same size as this closed hand:
Sarah's big hairy friend in 1986 movie Labyrinth:
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