Everyday Puzzles Unlimited crossword ID 3329 answers
Our Everyday Puzzles Crossword answers guide for Unlimited, is here to help you finish today’s Crossword if you’re stuck on a tricky clue. This daily puzzle challenges solvers with its clever wordplay and tests their knowledge and vocabulary, making it one of the most popular crosswords around. Access to hundreds of puzzles, right on your Android device, so play or review your crosswords when you want, wherever you want!
Unlimited crossword ID 3329
__-AFTRA, screen entertainment union:
Involuntary muscle contraction:
Video Games singer Lana __ Rey:
North Carolina motto, To be, rather than to __:
Put away for future use; hid from view:
Pokémon who can turn into Flareon or Jolteon:
The number of golf strokes per hole for a player:
Toy car that can be moved using a separate device:
Symbol for element whose name means "green shoot":
JAG spinoff NCIS, led by Mark __:
Avoided, failed to be captured:
Sweet But Psycho singer __ Max:
Extract tea flavors by soaking in water:
Bible verse sung in Jewish and Christian worship:
Country, shares island with the Dominican Republic:
Two equal or nearly equal parts of a whole:
Use a machine to cut meat into tiny pieces:
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